Milliseconds Count! - Bank of America Merrill Lynch Adopts AlgoNet Low Latency Infrastructure

Monday, 22/04/2013 | 07:57 GMT by Andrew Saks McLeod
Milliseconds Count! - Bank of America Merrill Lynch Adopts AlgoNet Low Latency Infrastructure

Back in January, specialist market infrastructure provider AlgoSpan began the year with the Kyte Group having gone live with AlgoNet, AlgoSpan’s low latency exchange market access platform.

Such partnerships with large financial institutions are continuing to be a focus for AlgoSpan, as Bank of America Merrill Lynch has now gone live with the AlgoNet.

From January 2013, Bank of America Merrill Lynch clients have been able to access AlgoSpan’s low latency pan-European inter-exchange network, including co-location at all major venues.


Dr Rami Habib, co-founder and director of AlgoSpan, commented: “It’s not only HFT firms that are looking to enhance execution quality by faster access to markets, and high quality and low latency market data. We are seeing large hedge funds and money managers that in the past were not so focussed on low latency execution now investing heavily in research and development to optimise execution and reduce Slippage .”

“Good quality DMA access is the first point of this research. Bank of America Merrill Lynch, being a leading global DMA provider is now able to offer exchange access across the AlgoSpan low latency European network as one of Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s key infrastructure providers.”

Tony Walker, Managing Director, European Execution Services at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said: “We are committed to providing the fastest possible DMA infrastructure for our clients and we are delighted to add AlgoSpan as one of our infrastructure providers.”

AlgoSpan is a technology provider which supplies end-to-end trading infrastructure and real-time market data services to financial services firms operating low latency / high frequency trading strategies, with a view to bringing direct improvements to bottom-line trading performance, an example of which is RadioFeed as detailed by Forex Magnates in mid 2012.

Back in January, specialist market infrastructure provider AlgoSpan began the year with the Kyte Group having gone live with AlgoNet, AlgoSpan’s low latency exchange market access platform.

Such partnerships with large financial institutions are continuing to be a focus for AlgoSpan, as Bank of America Merrill Lynch has now gone live with the AlgoNet.

From January 2013, Bank of America Merrill Lynch clients have been able to access AlgoSpan’s low latency pan-European inter-exchange network, including co-location at all major venues.


Dr Rami Habib, co-founder and director of AlgoSpan, commented: “It’s not only HFT firms that are looking to enhance execution quality by faster access to markets, and high quality and low latency market data. We are seeing large hedge funds and money managers that in the past were not so focussed on low latency execution now investing heavily in research and development to optimise execution and reduce Slippage .”

“Good quality DMA access is the first point of this research. Bank of America Merrill Lynch, being a leading global DMA provider is now able to offer exchange access across the AlgoSpan low latency European network as one of Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s key infrastructure providers.”

Tony Walker, Managing Director, European Execution Services at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said: “We are committed to providing the fastest possible DMA infrastructure for our clients and we are delighted to add AlgoSpan as one of our infrastructure providers.”

AlgoSpan is a technology provider which supplies end-to-end trading infrastructure and real-time market data services to financial services firms operating low latency / high frequency trading strategies, with a view to bringing direct improvements to bottom-line trading performance, an example of which is RadioFeed as detailed by Forex Magnates in mid 2012.

About the Author: Andrew Saks McLeod
Andrew Saks McLeod
  • 661 Articles
About the Author: Andrew Saks McLeod
  • 661 Articles

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